

This series began as an experimental pairing of poetry and photography, combing phrases with images to create a cohesive whole. The words would represent the thoughts of the headless individuals, supplanting the connection the viewer would normally make with a figure’s facial expression. In progressing the series, I grew enamored with the playful, eclectic energy it radiated, recalling to me the imaginative possibilities of youth. As such, the final collection of images serve as a love letter to that sense of unbridled, curious wonder.



Each image is a stylized figure on a white background with text. The phrases where developed in collaboration with Hanalei Lintag, who also assisted as a model/photographer for a majority of the project. Handwriting was sourced from various individuals, ranging from friends to strangers, meant to project a unique tone based on the phrase itself and the image it is paired with. The relationship between the literal image and the mental images conjured by the words work to tell a story which wouldn’t be clear given either element individually. Exploring that relationship was a key part in developing this series.



The Atlas Institute, Boulder, CO - May 2019